Band members are expected to behave properly at all times. Misbehavior reflects poorly on the individual,the band, school, and community. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the Policies of the Band Program by their proper behavior. Professed ignorance of Policies will not be accepted as an excuse for misbehavior. Every effort is made to provide Policies. However, directors and chaperones may find it necessary to add to or alter Policies. These may or may not be in writing as the situation allows. Policies and directions delivered verbally should be considered the same as a written Policy. Consequences for failure to follow rules and policies may include the following dependent upon severity of infraction. We are fortunate to have students with the highest moral and character quality.
Upon entering band rooms, take your assigned seat with necessary instruments, music, and equipment.
Cease talking and making noise when the director steps in front of the ensemble.
Warm-up should take place per normal instruction of the director.
Return instruments, music, and equipment to storage upon dismissal by the director. Each member should store his or her own items.
- Band report times for Football Games will vary, and will be announced prior to the day of the game.
- Members will change into FULL uniform in a facility on campus. Once dressed in uniform, all members will remain in FULL uniform for the entire event. NEVER wear a “partial” uniform, unless instructed by the directors.
- Instrument cases will not be needed in the stands for a performance, except in the event of inclement weather.
- All instruments and uniform parts should be CLEAN and in good condition. Instruments should be cleaned regularly to remove the excess dirt that accumulates when playing outdoors.
- No band member is permitted to leave the organization in advance of group dismissal at any time, unless excused by the director PRIOR TO THE PERFORMANCE.
- While seated in the stands, only band members are allowed in the ranks.
- The band will always sit in assigned seats and sections.
- Attention should be given to the Band Directors and Drum Majors when they are standing in front of the band.
- We play only as a group in the stands. Solo performance is strictly prohibited.
- No inappropriate cheers. Organized cheers, planned ahead of time, or done with the cheerleaders are permitted, once approved by a director prior to a ballgame.
- Members should avoid jumping around in the stands, and should remain seated whenever possible in order to avoid accidental damage to instruments.
- In order to move from place to place in a rapid manner, we must be able to give instructions to the group in an organized manner.
- Everyone will give full attention to staff, chaperones, or to the Drum Majors when instructions are being given.
Members will ride buses back to Union City following away games (except members who have been released to their parents, with director approval) and will be released after the announcements. It is requested that parents and friends DO NOT PARK in unmarked areas or on the curb, in order to prevent hazardous conditions involving the buses and equipment truck.
Members are personally responsible for loading and unloading their own equipment from trucks and buses
School Attendance: Students may be temporarily excused from rehearsal under the following conditions:
- When personally ill and when attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others. Documentation by a doctor’s note is needed to excuse under this policy.
- Family Emergency that is communicated with the band staff.
- Absences From Required Rehearsals Or Performances
- Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled rehearsals and performances.
The following rules will govern authorized absences:
- Personal illness or Family Emergency
- The appropriate band director should be notified prior to the required rehearsal or performance.
- A written verification from the school attendance office is needed upon return to school.
- Conflicts with other school activities.
- Notify your band director well in advance of the date of conflict.
- Written verification is needed to describe the problem and resolution.
- Every effort will be made to coordinate with the conflicting school activity to accommodate participation with the other sponsors in both activities.
- The appropriate band director should be notified prior to the required rehearsal or performance.
- An absence for any other reason will be considered unauthorized.
Consequences of unauthorized absences
- Student and Director conference.
- The student Participation grade will be lowered
- Student is place on probationary status by Directors.
- Student will lose his/her position in the performing group and become an alternate performer to the main performing group.
- If the student is already an alternate and obtains more than the allowed number of absences, his/her grade will be affected or he/she may be removed from the extra curricular activity.
- If an alternate is not available at the time the student is removed from the performing group, the student will not perform in two consecutive performances. Thereafter, the student may return to his/her position. This procedure is followed so that the performance ability of the group is not further jeopardized. However, the student’s grade may be affected, according to school board policy.
- Students may then have their grade lowered for unauthorized absences.
A student will be deemed tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned position when roll is taken. Roll will be taken as soon as “set” is called by the instructor directing the daily stretch. On regular after school rehearsals, the time for stretch is 6:00 p.m. For extra rehearsals, the start time given will be the time used for Roll call.
- Band members should attempt to avoid conflicts between band and other school activities. Directors will help resolve conflicts.
- Members must resolve conflicts in advance of the date of the conflict.
- Tardies will be counted until the member reaches three unauthorized tardies at which time the three tardies will constitute one unauthorized absence. The policy for Absences from Rehearsals and Performances will be followed.
- Access to band rooms, practice facilities, and rehearsals is limited to band members unless authorized by a director. Persons wishing to watch fall rehearsals are asked to park across the street from the field and turn off their automobile engine.
- Gum is not permitted in band rooms, practice facilities, or rehearsals.
- Members are assigned a specific cabinet for storage of instruments/accessories. Use the cabinet assigned to you.
- Cabinets must be kept clean and clear of personal items. The Union City Schools and the band are not responsible for personal items left in the band room or on Union City campuses.
- Store personally owned instruments in instrument cabinets.
- Band members may practice in the band room(s) and practice facilities before and after school.
- Directors will issue permission for use of practice rooms.
- Practice rooms are for personal or ensemble practice or study only.
It is recognized that the Union City High School Marching Band & Concert Bands maintain a conservative personal appearance in which limitations are placed on individual grooming and attire.
- All members must be able to place all collar length (or longer) hair neatly up so as to fit inside their band shako.
- Facial Hair shall be groomed to the expectations of the organization and the band staff
- No visible jewelry shall be worn while in uniform
- Only a single small stud ear ring may be worn while in uniform
- Facial / tongue jewelry is not permitted in uniform
- Visible fingernail polish is not permitted in Uniform unless it is deemed as part of the costuming needs for that show, season or performance.
There are an abundance of newsgroups and bulletin boards visited by band members and parents. These sites are a great way to hear about what bands are doing around the country. One of the most popular is the BOA website. Though entertaining, these places are littered with posts, which reflect poorly on individuals and organizations. It’s obvious that many people either don’t realize or don’t care that their personal thoughts, when subjective or inflammatory, reflect on their entire group.
- Please do not post comments on band related newsgroups and bulletin boards.
- The safest way to avoid criticism or scrutiny is NOT to post.
- This recommendation applies to members and parents. Comments of support on our Facebook page are welcomed
Reasons for dismissal from the marching band and/or the band program, dismissal from the activity with no credit, and/or suspension from performances are set by the Band Directors and the School Board as described in the Student and Faculty Handbook. Additional penalties are at the discretion of the band directors and could be imposed for the following violations:
- Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, smoking, chewing tobacco, or dipping is not permitted.
- Violation of this policy may result in immediate dismissal.
- Violation of this policy at an event, which requires overnight travel, may result in being sent home in advance of the conclusion of the event.
- All costs associated with being sent home in advance will become the responsibility of the member and/or his family. This will include the cost of transportation for the member and a chaperone
- Clearly apparent attempts, whether successful or not, to damage or destroy property, are not permitted or acceptable. This policy applies to any property, whether personal, school, or private.
- Band members and/or their parent(s) will be financially responsible for costs associated with restoring or replacing damaged or destroyed property. If required, band members who are suspected of violating this policy may be reported to appropriate civil authorities.
- Using Profanity towards Directors, Parents or other students
- Conduct detrimental to the organization
- Willful Disobedience
- Punctuality is essential in adhering to our busy trip schedule. Be early for everything and help each other stay organized. When enjoying free time and during sightseeing excursions, always stay in groups of three or more members. This is for your safety. There should not be any deviation.
- School dress code is required on all trips. In swimming pool areas, keep attire modest. When in concert attire, remain in full concert attire. It is unprofessional to have shirttails out, to wear athletic shoes while in formal attire, to chew gum, etc. The loading of equipment may necessitate adjustments to these expectations. Follow the instructions of the chaperone or adult sponsor in charge.
- Mixed company in hotel rooms is prohibited.
- While staying in hotels we will share facilities with other student groups and individuals from other schools and programs. Some of these groups and individuals may be unsupervised at times and may engage in behavior that would violate our Code of Conduct. Do not be influenced nor persuaded to engage in any behavior that is in conflict with the spirit of the Code of Conduct.
- Members must remain reasonably quiet at all times when in hotel facilities. Curfews will be strictly observed. Any personal needs, which might require leaving your room after curfew, must be arranged in advance with a chaperone or director.
- Band members are responsible for all their own equipment and personal items (triple check for uniform parts, extra reeds, valve oil, mutes, music, etc.) However, we all must share in the logistical responsibilities of the trip. We will all participate as equipment movers, sanitation engineers, stagehands, etc. Please perform the duties asked of you.
- There will be times when changes to our plans become necessary. Look for solutions to problems and avoid complaining. Concerns should be expressed at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner. Suggestion: Never complain to anyone who cannot solve your problem. See a director.
- In general, if you think you may find yourself explaining why you did something. Don't Do It!